Please look out for our gulls, all have a yellow ring on the left leg, with the letter T followed by a colon and three numbers.
Euan, Calum and Raymondo
the website and blog of the Grampian Ringing Group
His face brightened up a bit when he was told there was a linnet brood needing ringing though.......a pullus ringing tick for him!
He dipped on mipit pullus (already ringed) and goldfinch and whitethroat which were too wee to ring.
We are onto the last of first brood linnets now and building well underway for 2nd broods. We had a nice example of 'rabbit syndrome' typical of some of these carduellis finches last week. As we approached a gorse bush containing a nest with c10 day old chicks we noticed the female arriving with nest material closely followed by the male. Once the female disappeared into her new nest (about a metre from the 1st nest) the male nipped over to the first nest to feed the chicks and came back over with a faecal sack in beak just in time to accompany the female away for more nest material........TOTALS!
Raymond, Calum and Euan