The University of Aberdeen, Grampian Ringing Group and
Scottish National Heritage are collaborating to try and understand the large
decline of the eider population (-70% since 1991) around the Ythan Estuary and
Forvie NNR, Aberdeenshire.
After several decades of pause, the colour ringing of common
eiders has now resumed with over 90 birds ringed in spring 2017 (and more to
come). Combined with other data, we expect ring sightings will help elucidate
the mechanisms of population change. In particular, large numbers of
resightings of females all around the year are a key priority and individual
birdwatchers’ contribution could make a difference. The eider have been ringed on their left legs with green colour rings with 2 white letters on.
A female eider with colour ring. Photo by Jenny Weston |
Observers of ringed eiders are welcome to report their observations online using one of these two ways:
A colour-ringed eider on the Ythan. Photo by Thomas Cornulier |
Many thanks in advance for your help,