The colour
ringing of Rock Pipits on the north Aberdeenshire coast has been mainly to
study their winter movements, and to discover where they breed. Birds have been
trapped on the seaweedy beaches of Pennan, Aberdour, Rosehearty and Cairnbulg.
Some birds have been found breeding near to the beaches at Pennan and Aberdour,
but no nests have been located at these sites, as yet. The other sites appear
to be unsuitable for breeding, but can hold good numbers in the winter.
The high
cliffs along the north coast make ideal nesting habitat, but it is far more
difficult to locate and reach nests here, than around Girdleness. The presence
of breeding seabirds, particularly Herring Gulls, with their incessant alarm
calls, further hinders nest-finding attempts. I have annually monitored a
stretch of coastline between Aberdour Beach and Rosehearty. There is a rough
coastal path, although it is not well used. Occasional colour ringed birds have
been found breeding along this stretch, but again, nests remained elusive.
In 2012
monitoring of the stretch began on 14th May. Much of the vegetation
along the coast had been grazed hard by sheep, and I wondered if the birds
would be able to find enough cover to nest. However, Allan and I managed to
find two colour-ringed birds, and both were carrying food: a sure sign they had
chicks. The first, Metal/Green Green/Orange, on the territory marked “4” on the
map below, was ringed as a first-year, at Rosehearty, in Nov 2011. The other,
Metal/Yellow Red/Yellow, with a nest at Lord Pitsligo’s cave, marked “2” on the
map, was also ringed at Rosehearty, but was a six-year-old male. Originally
metal-ringed in Jan 2007, he was retrapped, again at Rosehearty, in Dec 2009,
and his bling added. He has been seen every winter since, at Rosehearty, but
had not been recorded during the breeding season, until this year. Had he been
missed breeding there during the last two summers, or had he moved territories?

Map showing
territories and nests found along the coastline between Aberdour and
With a huge
amount of patience and luck, Allan managed to locate the nest of “Lord
Pitsligo”, plus another nest of chicks, marked “1” on the map. Both broods had
only recently hatched, so we returned six days later to ring the chicks. Allan
then managed to find a third nest with chicks, “3” on the map, that we also
ringed. These three nests were very different in their situations: nest 1, a
hole near the top of a steeper-than-it-looked-from-the-bottom cliff-face; nest
2, a hole along an almost flat stretch of short grass; nest 3, in a fairly open
rock crevice.
Locations of
Nest 1 (May) and Nest 4 (July), possibly 1st & 2nd
broods of the same unringed pair. © Allan Perkins
chicks from Nest 2 to ring (May) © Allan Perkins
Nest 3, in an
open rock crevice (May) © Allan Perkins
interesting feature of these nests was their contents: all contained five
healthy chicks, and all are believed to have fledged, though only the brood
from nest 3 were all seen (the others remained hidden). Although the nest of
the other ringed bird was not found, on territory 4, the pair was seen feeding
fledged young (number unknown). Whilst the birds at Girdleness may lay clutches
of five eggs, often not all hatch, and very rarely do five survive to fledging
there. Nesting success at Girdleness has consistently been 50% over the last
three years. Far more nests have been monitored there (31), so it is maybe too
early to compare breeding success at the two sites, but it does warrant further
differences in topography and human disturbance at the sites are perhaps
responsible for differences in nest survival. The birds on the north coast are
noticeably more wary: one bird was observed swallowing a beakful of insects, as
soon as it saw us. Only one nest at Girdleness was known to have failed as a
direct result of human disturbance, but an abundance of people may encourage
predators and scavengers to the area.
Since Lord
Pitsligo’s female (at nest 2) was unringed, I decided to try and trap her, as I
was interested to see if the pair wintered together. A few days after ringing
the chicks, I returned and set some spring traps on the territory. Although I
managed to catch two birds, neither was the target female. Firstly, the male of
an unringed pair: I had recorded them a few times, hanging around the edge of
the territory. I was uncertain whether they had a nest nearby, but they certainly
were not feeding chicks. The second bird caught was Lord Pitsligo himself
(Metal/Yellow Red/Yellow), trapped for the third time (a record in my study).
Like the six-year-old male at Girdleness, he had unmoulted central tail
feathers and tertials.
We returned
to the area in July, to look for second broods, and saw two pairs feeding
young. However, it soon became clear that both pairs were different from those
holding the territories earlier in the season. There was no sign of either of
the two original colour-ringed birds, or any of the fledged young. An unringed
pair now resided on territory 4, previously occupied by Metal/Green
Green/Orange. This may have been the pair from nest 1, near the top of the
cliff, further along the same beach. At Lord Pitsligo’s Cave (territory 2), the
male was colour-ringed, but was the other male caught on the territory,
Metal/Red Yellow/Black. Although this nest was not found, it was clear that it
was close to the original nest (I did check the original nest and it had not been
Despite the
five chicks on territory 4 being quite large when we ringed them, we found that
they had been predated by the end of the month: there were chick feathers
pulled out underneath the nest. Although partial predation does occur, with some
chicks fledging, no chicks from this brood have so far been seen fledged.
crossed that we’ll manage to find more nests and colour ringed birds there next
year. The next Rock Pipit blog will feature the movements of individuals, both
local and further afield, including the adventures of Lord Pitsligo’s